Monday, August 30, 2010

Archives: Heart Renovation

Inside the darkest, dampest, and coldest of surfaces you place yourself
Swimming and basking in my rudeness and Asshole-ish ways
Cringing at every impolite gesture and knowing better of me
You halt your strokes and look around, noticing the dust and cobwebs
The large door to the room’s exit nearly falling off of its hinges
Yet you smile, even wink an eye, because you’ve already started your mission
Slowly but surely the room brightens and becomes more lively
I’m holding more doors for the elderly and picking up the trays of ALL girls
And not just the cute ones who are done eating
There are no more Cobwebs, the Dust is all gone
The Hinges are fixed and the Door is standing as strong as ever
But there is still something missing
I’m actually smiling from ear to ear, but there is still no glow in my eye
You plop down on a couch next to one of my major arteries and 
Gaze out a window that overlooks my Liver and Lungs
You notice that my breathing pattern changes whenever you come around
I'm calmer, smoother, more collected than ever, and it hits you
Slowly you glide up to me, gracefully, like the angel that you are
And you whisper a sweet message in my ear that seals the deal
You realized the missing twinkle in my eye wasn’t that I needed a new heart
Your message was “I’m Yours…” because I needed you

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