Monday, August 30, 2010

Archives: For Her

I sit down to write her poem 
but don't know where to start
Should I talk about her thieven ass
stealin my heart?
Or how she's my sunshine
even when life gets dark?
Nah man that ain't smart
I gotta reach in and pull
This straight out of my heart
Spray some "Love Juice" on it
Sprinkle Affection everywhere
Tell her about how I just wanna chill
and play in her hair
or just sit and into each other's
eyes we'd stare
"You been to Cloud 9?
Cuz Shawty I'll take you there
I call it my home because
you always send me there"
yea, use somethin like that
in the middle somewhere
but i still can't start. 
She got the key to my heart
without her its locked forever
no matter the weather
She always keep me under her umbrella
and I love it... THAT'S IT!!
now baby I can start it for you
the first line of my poem will say
I Love You

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