Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Random Splurge of Love

If you were ever to get pregnant...
Not saying that it wouldn't happen, because it would..
Wait I don't mean that like Ima just knock you up..
I mean... look let's start over...
I love you.
I will never leave you
Even if it meant I could date Beyoncé
I'd rather have you as a Fiancée
Even if I could cross the Spanish sands with Rihanna
I'd rather have my children call you mama
I just can't imagine how life would be without you
Without our first kiss, tasting love in sweet bliss
Without seeing you nervous and in wonder
the first time I met your mother
Without catching that slight grin
when I kissed your cheek and gently touched your chin
The love that you love me with is immeasurably unmatched
By anything else in this world, now in a Snatch
Imagine me gone... You wake up and I am no more
You search through your phone and rack through that brain of yours
but you can't find a number, or text of proof to what we were
all you have left is a hoodie, maybe even a t-shirt
You couldn't take it... Neither could I
So as I gaze into the star-filled, navy skies at night
I reminisce on causing and witnessing that smile that was so bright
or that touch of your hand on my back when the feeling was just right
I can't walk out on that ever...
So don't make me...
No matter how much we may fuss or fight
or disagree, I'll never take flight
Im not that type of guy
You know that right
I'm just saying this because we're grown
we do grown things that we should really wait to do
So if the unthinkable happens, and we made someone new
Just know, no matter how Hard it gets... I will NEVER walk out on you...

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