Monday, November 29, 2010

Dream Seller

Instead of Dime bags for 20bucks
Instead of Bean Pies in my fresh Tux
Instead of Hot n Ready’s from lil C’s
I, of all things, sell dreams

Not Dreams that you sleep on
Or Dreams as in goals you can bank on
Or those blank stare moments your boredom feeds on
But, in the end, I sell Dreams

The Dreams I sell are Dreams of Love
That Endless Love
That Love that India.Arie was ready for type Love

Dreams that make you think I was your Knigh
tIn shining armor, riding through the night
On my valiant steed to climb up weeds
And sit upon your window sill to serenade you
Until you’re sleep for me to tuck you in and leave

But being the me that bleeds, i.e. the Real Me
Your emotions are on what I feed
Bored of commitment I go off
In search of hearts to feed off

Yet I don’t cheat
And each relationship is a planned repeat
Always made to end like a travesty
But I knew all along, you wouldn’t last
Just another love song, lost in the shuffle…

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