Monday, November 29, 2010

Dream Seller

Instead of Dime bags for 20bucks
Instead of Bean Pies in my fresh Tux
Instead of Hot n Ready’s from lil C’s
I, of all things, sell dreams

Not Dreams that you sleep on
Or Dreams as in goals you can bank on
Or those blank stare moments your boredom feeds on
But, in the end, I sell Dreams

The Dreams I sell are Dreams of Love
That Endless Love
That Love that India.Arie was ready for type Love

Dreams that make you think I was your Knigh
tIn shining armor, riding through the night
On my valiant steed to climb up weeds
And sit upon your window sill to serenade you
Until you’re sleep for me to tuck you in and leave

But being the me that bleeds, i.e. the Real Me
Your emotions are on what I feed
Bored of commitment I go off
In search of hearts to feed off

Yet I don’t cheat
And each relationship is a planned repeat
Always made to end like a travesty
But I knew all along, you wouldn’t last
Just another love song, lost in the shuffle…

Journey of Dreams

On the road again, wouldn't you know it?
I'm going through things, yet don't even show it
Write out my feelings, emotional poet
Yet the pen hits paper, and I can't even slow it
Up, You become the topic
I smile, Stop it
Oddly enough, I'm always doing this stuff
Thinking of you when times get rough
Wishing our hearts would Harmonize but...
Unfortunately, I don't see you enough
But that's alright, something you didn't know
I never go to sleep alone
Well... Physically Yes, but mentally/emotionally No.
I dream of things that only hopeless romantics would show
And by show, I mean Display
like us counting clouds as we lay
Me on the Grass and you on my Chest
Playfully joking on who's kisses are the best
Sometimes we walk on the beach for a midnight stroll
or even share a "Love It" bowl at Cold Stone
Then I wake up, as the Sun frequently forces me to
And I continue my journey, wishing I could share it with you...

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I'm not very good at expressing my feelings, but if I was...
I would tell you about how I wish I was your favorite hoodie
So that every time you were cold, I could hold you close and keep you warm
but I'm not good at expressing my feelings...
I'm not very good at expressing my feelings, but if I was...
I would tell you how much I wish I was your favorite song
So that every time you heard me on the radio, you'd close your eyes, bite your lip
move those lips slow with that "This my Jam" face and hope I was on repeat...
but I'm not good at expressing my feelings...
I'm not very good at expressing my feelings, but if I was...
I would tell you that I wanted to be your favorite food
so that you would crave my taste, and once I fulfilled your every need
You would have a satisfied feeling in your core, get the "itis" and fall right asleep
but I'm not good at it tho...
What we have reminds me of learning to ride a bike
The first days we were a little shaky, trying to get used to it all
Once the going was good, we were rolling
then we hit a bump in the road and we crashed down hard...
Skinned our knee and winced in pain like Peter Griffin
Now we show our true colors
Will we stick together and give it another shot
or will we bicker and argue with each other?
With you I always felt a sense of care that no matter what I did
whether endangering my life driving too fast while the rain's amidst
or anything else that would bring me uncomfortably close to death's grip
You would still be there waiting with a warm hug and a Kiss
And In the blink of an eye, maybe the snap of a finger
I found away to dismantle us and no more would you linger
No calls, no texts, not even a mentioned tweet
Hopefully I didn't earn a distasteful subtweet, bittersweet
I try to sleep, but its hard when I can't hear from you first
I hate how our relationship took a turn for the worse
Wondering "Can We Fix It?" like Bob the Builder
But I can't do it by myself, wont you reconsider?

Sitting In My Chair...

As I sit and reflect in a lazyboy on my past, careless lifestyle
breezing through baby chickens but never using lifestyles
Trust, I wrapped up, top hat on my planters
but in the mist of my thoughts I was distracted by a bystander
And by My standards she had Surely surpassed her
peers yet I couldn't find the energy to stand up
Closed my eyes tight to attempt at mustering it
when I thought I opened them, she stood before me lusting this
very author whose story you're intrigued by
Please believe, I was intrigued too, lil Momma was TOO fly
Slowly stooping to my level, placing her knees outside my thighs
so she could balance on the chair while I caressed her behind
In due time, our minds were entwined
yet only through a kiss, her sweet soft lips
as my hands moved up and down her frame as if she was a bowl
on my pottery wheel and I was molding her soul
Losing control of our clothes until a breeze hit me cold
And a crashing noise came from the front door she closed
I finally opened eyes and noticed she wasn't there anymore
and I was still in my chair,lonely, lusting for more...