Wednesday, September 29, 2010


With all the money in the world, I could give you anything
And with all that money, you could Be anything
But all the fame and gifts wouldn't mean anything
Without the love of the one person who means Everything
You wouldn't smile at your Million dollar wedding ring
Or experience the love that each new day would bring
Or be satisfied with finally living out your dreams
Without sharing that joy with someone who is your Everything
What's a car when it has no Motor?
What's a bike without a chain?
 How do you retrieve a puppy from traffic
When its deaf to any audible name?
If I had it to give, the world would be yours to claim
No use in giving YOU my heart, if I know you wont love ME just the same...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Ups and Downs...

I can't stand it...
One day we're cool the next we're back at it...
Its sad, how we claim we love each other so much
Yet we fall so hard when we argue and cuss
Honestly this time I really sat and cried
And with each tear, a section of my heart died
Withered away and fell like the pedal of a rose
As each stubborn drop strolled along side my nose
I look to you for my strength and happiness
When all goes wrong, you're my smile, when I'm crabbiest
This time all you did was fuel the fire
Like I'm the pile of sticks, you helped spark the lighter
or at least cupped your hands to hide the flame from the wind
Either way you helped me do the opposite of win...
Knowing that I have trouble living right when I'm at home
Knowing that I hate having to leave you there alone
The Love I expected to embrace me with a hug
Ended up beating and mugging me like a thug...
But it's cool, Guess its all a growth process...
We'll be good tomorrow just so we can restart this mess...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Random Splurge of Love

If you were ever to get pregnant...
Not saying that it wouldn't happen, because it would..
Wait I don't mean that like Ima just knock you up..
I mean... look let's start over...
I love you.
I will never leave you
Even if it meant I could date Beyoncé
I'd rather have you as a Fiancée
Even if I could cross the Spanish sands with Rihanna
I'd rather have my children call you mama
I just can't imagine how life would be without you
Without our first kiss, tasting love in sweet bliss
Without seeing you nervous and in wonder
the first time I met your mother
Without catching that slight grin
when I kissed your cheek and gently touched your chin
The love that you love me with is immeasurably unmatched
By anything else in this world, now in a Snatch
Imagine me gone... You wake up and I am no more
You search through your phone and rack through that brain of yours
but you can't find a number, or text of proof to what we were
all you have left is a hoodie, maybe even a t-shirt
You couldn't take it... Neither could I
So as I gaze into the star-filled, navy skies at night
I reminisce on causing and witnessing that smile that was so bright
or that touch of your hand on my back when the feeling was just right
I can't walk out on that ever...
So don't make me...
No matter how much we may fuss or fight
or disagree, I'll never take flight
Im not that type of guy
You know that right
I'm just saying this because we're grown
we do grown things that we should really wait to do
So if the unthinkable happens, and we made someone new
Just know, no matter how Hard it gets... I will NEVER walk out on you...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I remember it All... Well you know my memory
I remember everything like flashes of time instead of conversations
But the fact of the Matter is that It Gets Remembered...
Like the Day We Met, John Merrit Classic 2008
I never knew from that day on my life would be so great
After that we met again,
Greek Picnic, Saw you with your friends
Thats when I got your number
Stepping stones to becoming lovers
I met up with you that same night
Talked 'til 5am, boy what a night
From then on we were "Best Freakin Friends"
BFF's through thick and thin...
Always knew we were made for more
But never knew what was in store
Finally we set aside our pasts
And planned on How to make our Future Last
After a Year of getting to know each other
We decided to take it a few steps further
In William Jasper Hale room 523
9/9/09 was that day for you and me
We exchanged hearts, I took mine off my sleeve
For you, I'd give the world
Because that's what you are and that's what you mean
I just can't stop loving you
And I don't mind it one bit ^_^
One Whole Year, so glad we didnt Quit
Only bad part is that we're so far apart
And we've been Siamese close from the start
But our love is strong since its straight from the heart
Cant wait til we're in each others arms and I feel your beating heart
I'll sum up how I feel with this single phrase:
I love waking up feeling like I fell in love for the first time, Every Day...

Happy One Year Anniversary to Portia Faye Finney & Tommy Justin Bell

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It Won't Be Long...

I make it to my bedroom and fall to my knees
Same routine every night, baby this is how it seems
Just throwing words up to God, like compliments to a deaf man
I'm on target, but I guess he don't hear 'em and
I'm living everyday with Hopes of making it back to you
My boys too, but you The Motivation boo
Keep me going through and through
Sometimes I get too down
Then I gotta force myself to get up off the ground
And I keep on trudging through the meanest of the storms
I close my eyes and there you are, hold me til I'm warm
I swear it wont be long, I'm doing all I can
Making every move needed to become a better man
Tryna make it up out of here and back to where we need to be
Yea, you down to ride so I know you wont be leaving me
Anytime soon at least
That's definitely not what I need
If there's no we, It's like controllers with no Wii
I'm waving my arms at nothing but a blank TV
You're the beat to my Heart
The Sky to my stars
You put a twinkle in my Eyes and My Smile from the start
It hurts now because I'm So Far Gone...
But I get on one knee and Promise You now that It Won't Be Long...

My Motivation

Monday, September 6, 2010

All For Nothing...

First day of class, Yea I'm up here early
Bird's tryna get that worm, Believe that Homie
Chillin in the second row, Smart with Swag
And then you walked in, I damn near gasped...
Popped a Squat in desk next to mine
Couldn't see it in my face, but I almost lost my Mind
Girl you so damn FINE, I bet even ya Momma a Dime
Got me unfocused on class and tryna get with that...
"Class" the teacher chimes in...
"Write your name on the Sheet, then you may begin"
I was doin' my thang, til again you caught my eye
Leanin over your work and a strand of hair fell to your eye
My eyes sank to your feet as I encased your outfit
So smooth, your curves nearly made some slob drip
And before I even knew it you matched my stare
then your Angelic hand brushed back your hair
My stunned lips fumbled an inaudible "Hello"
As you read my lips, you ignored it, my heart fell to the floor
We finished our work, then class was ended
I tried to find a band-aid for my pride, but it couldn't be mended
There's always next class, I can try again...
But in my heart I knew, I probably wasn't even cool enough to be your friend...