Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Definition Of Being Real

Sometimes "Too Soon"
Sometimes "Too Late"
All this bad timing is like a dead battery in a watch that's brand new
Pointless, lead-less pencil
"I knew how I felt all along still
I never felt the need to tell you until now"
A Phrase that has been heard and said by many
That will be forever responded to with "Wow"
How on Earth can people be so driven
By Emotion, yet words that need to be said aren't given
A chance to blossom or to grow wings and fly
Like every time "I Love You" isn't said
A weary heart begins to die
Or When "I Miss You" isn't mentioned
defeated looks are given
All we need to do is listen
To our Heart's Mind
and Put our Pride Aside
It's Nothing wrong with saying how you truly feel
Actually, that's the best definition of "Being Real"

Monday, March 7, 2011

Trust Me

As I sit here chillin
Laid up in my bed
A hundred million thoughts
Runnin laps in my head
75% are pertaining to you
The other 25 is minor stuff I go through
And in the end,
you're what's puts me past that 25
Safe to say life without you, wouldn't be too alive
And I strive everyday to be a better man
To have a solid plan
To follow Gods commands
And everyday something new jumps in my way
Causin you to leave when I need you to stay
I yearn for you in every feasible way
You just cant see it
Love for you, my heart bleeds it
Like a fiend I need to be dealt my fix of you
Get higher than life's blue skies off you
Create my smiles from being blue
And I'll do all the same for you
All I ask is if you'd take my hand
Accept me as your man
I promise you more days of Pure Happiness
Than there are grains of sand
Trust Me...